Hexe Espada (Strengthened 1)

Hexe Espada (Strengthened 1) [Swords] 📷
ATK: 140
No damage to Neutral Magic attack chance Magic Sword
Melee to Neutral -100% Autoskill
Notes: Trade × ATK = Hexe Espada +5

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Dia Espada [Swords]
1: Hexe Espada (Strengthened 1) x1
2: Killing Stone x10
3: Iron Material x5
4: Cobalt x3
Port Spargas

Hexe Espada (Strengthened 1) [Swords]
1: Hexe Espada x1
2: Heavy Blade x5
3: Azoth x2
4: Soft Iron x20
Kleya City


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