Maniji II

Maniji II [Claws] 📷
ATK: 248
ATK+8%, Hate rise -15%, All elements Melee up by Lv Small MP recovery chance
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% ATK +8% Hate Rise -15% [Melee up by Lv] Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Maniji +20

Click to see Images
Maniji II [Claws]
1: Maniji x1
2: Light Sword Fragment x2
3: Fluorite x5
4: Guard Dragon Jewel x1
Underground Bailune

Maniji III [Claws]
1: Maniji II x1
2: Hauynite x10
3: Flame Aureola x5
4: White Snake Scale x10
Aqruf Town


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