Gargouille II

Gargouille II [Claws] 📷
ATK: 262
Ice element, Magic R -15% Magic evasion +8%, AGI+5 Normal attack x1.5 chance
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% Magic R -15% Magic Evasion +8% AGI +5 Autoskill [Monk] Shell break +8% ATK +5% Autoskill -15%
Notes: ATK = Gargouille +30?

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Gargouille II [Claws]
1: Gargouille x1
2: Larimar x10
3: Fine-Flaked Snow x30
4: Snow Woman's Tear x3

Gargouille III [Claws]
1: Gargouille II x1
2: Light Crystal x10
3: Heavenly Axe Blade x1
4: Spiral Horn x5
Maldario Downtown


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