Eclaire IV

Eclaire IV [Claws] 📷
ATK: 313
Normal attck x1.5 chance, MaxHP+15% Magic R -15%, Light element Absolute evasion +9% Heal reward up, Range cut +25%
Melee to Dark +30% [X = 6.00 * Lv] [Heal Reward up by X] Absolute Evasion +9% MaxHP +15% Magic R -15% Range cut +25% AGI +30 Autoskill [Monk] Autoskill -14% Autoskill +7%

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Eclaire IV [Claws]
1: Eclaire III x1
2: Guiding Light x15
3: Sharp Claw x15
4: Silver Armor Bit x15
Rokoko City


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