Firebrand Vritra

Firebrand Vritra [Swords] 📷
ATK: 160
Melee R +5%, Critical rate +10 Magic attack chance by attack Flame element
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Earth +20% Melee R +5% Critical rate +10 Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Vritra +30

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Firebrand Vritra [Swords]
1: Vritra x1
2: Dragon Eye x3
3: Orichalcum x20
4: Liath Fail x12
Capital City Elban

Firebrand Vritra+ [Swords]
1: Firebrand Vritra x1
2: Lion Mane x2
3: Fire Bead x30
4: Dragon Orb x1
Pilaneza City


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