Resty Rod

Resty Rod [Canes] 📷
ATK: 178
MATK+10%, Skill delay +0.5sec MATK up chance by defense Hate rise -20%
MATK +10% Skill Delay +0.5s Hate Rise -20% Autoskill

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Beelzedam (Lv205)
Drop: Odd Red Stone, Duralumin, Resty Rod, ◇Beelzedam
Attr: Dark
Weak: Light
Ruins of Zamani [Deepest] - See Map

Restos Rod [Canes]
1: Resty Rod x1
2: Shiny Insect Wing x2
3: Natural Resin x20
4: Small Brood Pouch x7
Kreya City

Resty Rod x1 [Canes]
Carpentry Lv112
1: Resty Rod x1

Resty Rod x1 [Canes]
Carpentry Lv112
1: Resty Rod x1

Megistus Rod x1 [Canes]
Alchemy Lv125
1: Resty Rod x1
2: E Tablet x10
3: Empty Powersphere x5
4: Valor Ring x5


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