
Gandiva [Bows] 📷
ATK: 175
Critical rate+20, Magic evasion-50% Additional attack chance by attack All Elements
Critical rate +20 Magic Evasion -50% Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% Autoskill

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Gandiva [Bows]
1: Dark Thought x1
2: Slebinian Alloy x2
3: Orichalcum x10
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Gandiva II [Bows]
1: Gandiva x1
2: Orichalcum x20
3: Green Afterglow x1
4: Fine Snakeskin x10
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Gandiva x1 [Bows]
Carpentry Lv98
1: Orichalcum x10
2: Slebinian Alloy x2
3: Dark Thought x2

Gandiva x1 [Bows]
Carpentry Lv100
1: Gandiva x1

Gandiva x1 [Bows]
Carpentry Lv100
1: Gandiva x1


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