Uroboros II

Uroboros II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 311
ATK+11%, MP cost -22%, All stats +7 MATK+14%, Skill delay -1.3sec Melee+22% to Dark&Light Counter on evasion +10%
Melee to Dark +22% Melee to Light +22% STR +7 VIT +7 INT +7 AGI +7 DEX +7 CRT +7 ATK +11% MATK +14% MP Cost -22% Skill Delay -1.3s Counter on Evasion +10% Absolute Evasion -15% Magic Evasion -15%

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Uroboros II [Throwing]
1: Uroboros x1
2: Snake Tail x69
3: Snakeskin x88
4: Stardust x8
Rokoko City


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