Lantern Claw

Lantern Claw [Claws]
ATK: 260
Range+1, Melee+10% to Earth Accuracy rate +10%, Critical rate +5% Critical damage +5% Melee pierce -20%, Water R -20%
Melee Pierce -20% Range +1 Melee to Earth +10% Accuracy +10% Critical rate +5% Critical damage +5% Water R -20%

Lantern Claw [Claws]
1: Lantern x5
2: Gold Armor Bit x5
3: Large Ember x10
Underground Bailune

Lantern Claw II [Claws]
1: Lantern Claw x1
2: Robot Armor Bit x15
3: Cracked Armor x80
4: Copper Lantern x5
Port Spargas

Lantern Claw x1 [Claws]
Smithing Lv167
1: Lantern Claw x1

Lantern Claw x1 [Claws]
Smithing Lv167
1: Lantern Claw x1


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