Fairy Tale World Spoon II

Fairy Tale World Spoon II [Swords]
ATK: 295
ATK+15%, MaxHP&MP-20% Melee+20% against all elements All elemental resistance -20%
ATK +15% Melee to Neutral +20% Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Light +20% Melee to Dark +20% Neutral R -20% Fire R -20% Water R -20% Wind R -20% Earth R -20% Light R -20% Dark R -20% MaxHP -20% MaxMP -20%

Fairy Tale World Spoon II [Swords]
1: Fairy Tale World Spoon x1
2: Water Spirit Halo x20
3: Nagera Rusti x1
4: Honey Crystal x40
Rokoko City


RPG Games

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